Frequently Asked Question

3 The password you sent me does not seem to be working
Last Updated about a month ago

  • If the password we sent does not allow you login, please make sure you are using as the login name. (That information should be in the email we sent you where xxxxxxxx is your student ID number). Then, double check the password we sent you is typed correctly paying extra attention to the upper/lower cases. If that still doesn’t work, then send an email to with a subject line of BROKENPASSWORD (all upper case). You will receive a bounce message saying you are not authorized to open a ticket but if the subject line of your email was BROKENPASSWORD (all uppercase) we will see it and determine the best course of action. Please provide what point in the login process you ran into problems and the error message you received (screen shots are great for helping us get you going quickly).
  • The password we sent you will only be able to be used one time. The first time you login using it, you will be prompted to change the password we sent you and then store password recovery information page so you can reset the password yourself if it lost. If you changed your password and went through the recovery setup and your new password doesn’t work, send an email to with a subject line of FAILEDPASSWORD (all upper case). You will receive a bounce message saying you are not authorized to open a ticket but if the subject line of your email was FAILEDPASSWORD (all uppercase) we will see it and determine the best course of action. Please provide what point in the login process you ran into problems and the error message you received (screen shots are great for helping us get you going quickly)

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